Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.

Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she would come in and sink my boats.

By the age of twenty, any young man should know whether or not he is to be a specialist and just where his tastes lie. By postponing the question we have set on immaturity a premium which controls most American personality to its deathbed.

By the time a person has achieved years adequate for choosing a direction, the die is cast and the moment has long since passed which determined the future.

I believe the sign of maturity is accepting deferred gratification.

If boyhood and youth are but vanity, must it not be our ambition to become men?

It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen.

Maturity begins to grow when you can sense your concern for others outweighing your concern for yourself.

Maturity consists in no longer being taken in by oneself.

Maturity is knowing when to be immature.

Maturity is often more absurd than youth and very frequently is most unjust to youth.

Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don't go well.

Maturity is the capacity to endure uncertainty.

Maturity is the time of life when, if you had the time, you'd have the time of your life.

Maturity: among other things, the unclouded happiness of the child at play, who takes it for granted that he is at one with his play-mates.

Maturity: Be able to stick with a job until it is finished. Be able to bear an injustice without having to get even. Be able to carry money without spending it. Do your duty without being supervised.

My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all.

One does not get better but different and older and that is always a pleasure.

Only the middle-aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits.

Show me a man with both feet on the ground and I'll show you a man who can't get his pants on.

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